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Triumph Gantry

The Triumph Touchless Gantry System is the touchless version of the Freedom Gantry system. Using the same profiling technology and robust engineering as the Freedom, the Triumph delivers an excellent quality wash with less up-front costs.
For a retail truck wash, many find the Triumph to be the system of choice. Owners/Operators won’t risk damage to their pride and joy with a brush equipped wash system. Therefore, a Triumph is the perfect option for a commercial truck wash.
The same can be said for a retail RV wash system. Using high pressure, turbo nozzles, on the sides and on the top contouring bar, a Triumph system will get that dirt, dust and road grime off your customers RV’s and off your semi-truck fleet without brushes.

Triumph Gantry

A touchless system



gives you the confidence of a high-quality wash without the risk of damaging the more fragile accessories found on many RV’s – such as ladders, AC units, vents and appliance covers. Using a multi-pass wash cycle, soap is applied, followed by a 1000 psi blast of wash water then a subsequent rinse pass.

Faster than a hand wash
Protects external accessories
Reduces manpower
To contouring bar tracks the vehicle profile
1000 psi turbo nozzle main wash
Perfect for RV applications
Fewer moving parts than a brush gantry

Undercarriage wash
Wheel wash
Vehicle tracking and diagnostics
HMI touch screens
water reclamation
Reverse osmosis (R/0) Spot Free Rinse
Valor Dryer system
Hot water options

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